The next meeting of Murrisk Development Association will be held on Tuesday 10th December, at the Community Cafe, in Murrisk Car Park, commencing at 8pm. All are welcome
The next meeting of Murrisk Development Association will be held on Tuesday 10th December, at the Community Cafe, in Murrisk Car Park, commencing at 8pm. All are welcome
Murrisk National School are having a clothes collection in support of school funds. Donations can be left in the playhouse from Thursday28th after 3pm, and over the weekend. Last clothing drop off on Monday evening, 2nd December. No duvets or pillows please.
The next Bingo session will be held on Sunday 1st December, at Lecanvey Community Centre, commencing at 8pm.
Information on the proposed greenway can be obtained from the Mayo County Council website, 'Belclare to Murrisk Greenway Project'
Work continues on the new water scheme, but the end is in sight! It is hoped to have water flowing soon.
The Lotto jackpot is now € 9,750 with three €20 winners every Saturday. Next draw will be held on Saturday 30th November. The Lotto has now moved online. Please submit your numbers to to be in with a chance to win. The Committee greatly appreciate your support and a big thank you to everyone for supporting the local lotto
All money raised is spent on community projects to improve and enhance the